Keeping up with change

In the final part of our Changing Tastes series, we recap all our stories so far and also look ahead to some of the next big trends on the radar
In our Changing Tastes series, we’ve looked at how consumer food and drink tastes are changing so quickly. We’ve seen how several different trends are at play, why they’re impacting consumer preferences, and the product segments that are benefiting the most. So what are the major takeaways from this series? Here’s a brief rundown…
A matter of megatrends
Several megatrends are at play in driving new consumer demands. The global population is soaring, people are gravitating to fast-paced urban areas, incomes are rising and the consumer market is more competitive than ever. All of which is dramatically affecting the way we live, work and consume.

Lactose-free living
Dairy is a cornerstone of everyday diets. Yet it’s thought that two thirds of the world can’t digest lactose. The growth in lactose-free products has therefore soared in recent years, making it the fastest-growing segment of the dairy industry – one that’s estimated to be worth €9 billion by 2022.

Say yes to yoghurt
Ambient drinking yoghurt doesn’t require chilling, often has a shelf-life of up to 12 months and can be easily drunk while on the go. This high level of convenience for transport, storage and consumption has made it an extremely successful product segment that’s growing at an impressive rate.

When fun meets functional
The nutrient-rich world of nutraceuticals is capturing the on-the-move, time-pressed millennial market. Also known as functional food and drinks, nutraceutical beverages allow consumers to reap the benefits of good nutrition without having to stop what they’re doing and prepare a meal or snack.

The flavours of fermentation
With origins dating back thousands of years, fermented food and drink certainly isn’t new on the scene. But with more consumers seeking long-life products with proven probiotic benefits, beverage products like fermented milks, especially ayran and kefir, are experiencing something of a comeback.

What else is changing?
As we’ve seen in our recent World of Water series, near-water drinks are also on the up right now. And as we look ahead to 2020, we’ll see health-conscious snackers seeking more products with reduced sugars or artificial sweeteners. We’ll see social-media savvy shoppers embracing ever-more exotic flavours and experiences. And we’ll see the seemingly non-stop thirst for plant-based milk alternatives.
We’ll cover all these trends in more in the coming months so be sure to subscribe to the SIGnals Update – our bi-weekly newsletter – to get the latest stories sent straight to your inbox.
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