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SIG drives climate agenda with ambitious new 1.5°C target

January 08, 2020

SIG has set a bold new climate target that is one of the first in its industry to be approved by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) as being in line with the latest climate science to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels to prevent the worst effects of climate change. SIG is committed to cutting its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 60% by 2030 (from the 2016 baseline).

„It’s clear the world urgently needs to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions to tackle the harmful effects of climate change,” said Ian Wood, Chief Supply Chain Officer at SIG. „SIG’s stretching new target will accelerate climate action to dramatically cut our emissions and enhance our contribution to a lower-carbon food supply system.”

Leading the climate agenda

The ambitious new target places SIG among an elite group of companies leading efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the global Paris Agreement to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C.

Around 300 companies have targets approved by the SBTi. Fewer than 100 are currently approved as being in line with the 1.5°C goal. SIG is one of the first in its industry to have a 1.5°C target approved by the SBTi.

SIG’s new target compresses the timeline to achieve a 60% absolute reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions by a full 10 years compared with its previous target, which was already approved by the SBTi as in line with keeping global warming well below 2°C.

A strong focus on renewable energy underpins the company’s efforts to achieve this target. SIG has already switched to 100% renewable electricity for global production and is exploring opportunities to expand on-site renewables, such as its award-winning rooftop solar array in Thailand.

Supporting wider global efforts

SIG is not only committed to cutting emissions from its own operations. The company also commits to reduce value chain greenhouse gas emissions by 25% per litre packed by 2030 (from the 2016 baseline). This target includes scope 1, scope 2 & scope 3 emissions from Purchased Goods and Services, Use of Sold Products, and End of Life Treatment.

SIG’s aseptic beverage cartons have a 28% to 70% lower carbon footprint than alternative packaging, such as plastic and glass bottles, pouches and cans (as shown by independent lifecycle assessments). They are made mainly from renewable materials – from sustainably-managed forests that absorb carbon as they grow. And they preserve food without the need for refrigeration.

The focus on cutting climate impact is part of SIG’s ambition to go Way Beyond Good by partnering to create a net positive food supply system that will nourish a growing global population while putting more into society and the environment than it takes out.


More information on SIG’s Way Beyond Good: 


About SIG

SIG is a leading systems and solutions provider for aseptic packaging. We work in partnership with our customers to bring food products to consumers around the world in a safe, sustainable and affordable way. Our unique technology and outstanding innovation capacity enable us to provide our customers with end-to-end solutions for differentiated products, smarter factories and connected packs, all to address the ever-changing needs of consumers.

Founded 1853, SIG is headquartered in Neuhausen, Switzerland. The skills and experience of our approximately 5,000 employees worldwide enable us to respond quickly and effectively to the needs of our customers in over 60 countries. In 2018, SIG produced more than 35 billion carton packs and generated €1.7 billion in revenue. For more information, visit

SBTi - 1

SIG has set a bold new climate target that is one of the first in its industry to be approved by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) as being in line with the latest climate science to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels to prevent the worst effects of climate change.

SIG drives climate agenda with ambitious new 1.5°C target

SBTi - 1.5 C target

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SBTi - 1.5 C target

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