Seoul Dairy Cooperative premieres SIG's microwavable Heat&Go cartonSouth Korea’s Seoul Dairy Cooperative (SDC) is launching ‘Achimae’ Soymilk (meaning Morning Soymilk), a nutritionally-rich, morning soy milk drink with chickpea protein, designed to be served as a warm, on-the-go breakfast. This is the first product to appear on store shelves in SIG’s innovative Heat&Go packaging, with world leading technology of microwaveable aseptic carton pack.
Health is the new wealth and the beverage industry is changing, with consumers looking for nutritious and healthy beverages that can easily be reheated for consumption on-the-go. The growth in vending walls and the use of microwaves in home and office indicate the potential of this rapidly evolving market.
Consumers in Asia prefer hot drinks when it is cold outside, especially when they are out and about. While many such drinks are bought from cafés and convenience stores, this packaging innovation opens up a new channel for hot vending and using microwave ovens in the workplace. The alternative is to first pour a packaged product into a microwaveable or heatable beaker or flask, but that requires pre-planning while being cumbersome and inconvenient especially on-the-go.
The morning chickpea drink, containing a blend of soy milk, fruit and vegetables, is currently sold online through home shopping channels and is now expanding into grocery and convenience stores. It has already received considerable acclaim for its high nutritional content. It delivers high protein content with chickpeas, soymilk, cabbage, tomato, broccoli, carrot, apple and banana, blended together in a convenient 200ml combiblocMini microwaveable pack.
Young Lee, Head of beverage marketing team at Seoul Dairy Cooperative, said:
“Consumers today are looking for on-the-go convenience. The Heat&Go pack from SIG opens up new avenues of innovation and helps us market premium nutritional beverages such as our Morning Chickpea drink for new occasions and through new channels.”
The carton can be heated up to 60°C although most drinks taste best at around 50°C. A fail-safe mechanism has been incorporated into the package, so that if the product was overheated in the microwave, excess pressure would be released with gradual opening of the top seal preventing sudden ruptures.
Beverages can be filled in Heat&Go carton packs on standard SIG filling machines with a simple upgrade so that the filler can run standard and aluminum-free material interchangeably.
Asian market potential
Demand for hot drinks, first and foremost in Asia, is increasing. The Heat&Go packaging solution brings new market opportunities for beverages such as milk, juices, teas, dairy substitutes and innovative functional products.
The Heat&Go pack safeguards products and ensures their protection from light, oxygen, aroma and water, even when heated, delivering the product with the best taste.
More information on Heat&Go:
About SIG
SIG is a leading systems and solutions provider for aseptic packaging. We work in partnership with our customers to bring food products to consumers around the world in a safe, sustainable and affordable way. Our unique technology and outstanding innovation capacity enable us to provide our customers with end-to-end solutions for differentiated products, smarter factories and connected packs, all to address the ever-changing needs of consumers.
Founded 1853, SIG is headquartered in Neuhausen, Switzerland. The skills and experience of our 5,000-plus employees worldwide enable us to respond quickly and effectively to the needs of our customers in more than 65 countries. In 2017, SIG produced 33.6 billion carton packs and generated €1.66 billion in revenue. For more information, visit
Further information:
Achime Morning Chickpea soymilk from the Seoul Dairy Cooperative is packaged in Heat&Go, the microwaveable carton pack from SIG. The carton can be heated up to 60°C although most drinks taste best at around 50°C.